Tagged by: Parking meters

Buying Time


They are a necessary evil…the hated meter-reader. Downtown St. Petersburg is one of the easiest places in the world (no exaggeration) to get a ticket. It is as if the meter maids magically appear the SECOND a meter expires in true Star Trek fashion…beamed right to the vehicle. Today, as I walked to my acupuncture appointment, I noticed a car parked in a handicap spot that had an expired meter. Clearly it did not belong to a Millennial as it was the size of the Starship Enterprise and the front seat was full of reading glasses, Kleenex and Tums. I pictured a gentleman in his 70′s coming out of the ice cream shop (paid for by his Social Security) to find a ticket loving placed on his windshield by Meter Reader Kirk. As the meter flashed 0:00, it struck me that there are opportunities to show small gestures of Jenerosity everywhere. Brooks and I filled the meter and left a note wishing him a great day. Maybe we should have told him to ‘Live Long and Prosper.’


FILL A METER They are a necessary evil...the hated meter-reader. Downtown St. Petersburg is one of the easiest places in...

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