The Waiting Room


As I  was sitting in my dermatologist’s office yesterday, I saw a small book on the coffee table that caught my attention (no…it was not Highlights!).  As I read it from cover to cover, my heart smiled.  What a shame not to share it!  It is a great book full of lessons for all ages.  In the spirit of paying it forward, the first 3 people who comment and identify a book that truly made their hearts smile will receive a hard copy of The Blue Day Book: A Lesson in Cheering Yourself Up…and for an immediate heart smile, click on the title and watch the online version.  Have a BRIGHT blue day!


As I  was sitting in my dermatologist’s office yesterday, I saw a small book on the coffee table that caught my attention (no…it was not Highlights!).  As I read it from cover to cover, my heart smiled.  What a shame not to share it!  It is a great book full of lessons for all ages.  In the spirit of paying it forward, the first 3 people who comment and identify a book that truly made their hearts smile will receive a hard copy of The Blue Day Book: A Lesson in Cheering Yourself Up…and for an immediate heart smile, click on the title and watch the online version.  Have a BRIGHT blue day!

About the author


I am a JENerosity seeker who believes that life is better when we choose to take advantage of opportuntities to give. The universe provides these blessings in forms that are both great and small. My desire is to capture these moments, share them in an authentic and creative way and inspire others to spread JENerosity one moment at a time. With Jenerosity comes Joy!