About Us
Success is often defined by MONEY and POWER; however, the third metric (often overlooked or discredited) is HAPPINESS, which often comes in the form of health, wisdom and generosity. I am a firm believer that we each hold the key to the answer, “When did you feel happiest?” in our inner space. During my darkest time, I realized that I held the key to unlocking my own joy. I was happiest when I was giving back. Making a difference is critical to my personal success. We have all heard the old adage that it is ‘better to give than to receive.’ Why? Because it ‘FEELS better to give than to receive.” Choosing to give my time, talent and treasure to compassion and empathy is my key to personal success.
Like many Americans today, my husband is a Grade-A workaholic. He loves what he does and feels incredibly responsibility to his employer and the teams of people to whom he leads. He is great at what he does and I am grateful for his work ethic, talents and love. I, on the other hand, got the corporate burn-out a little earlier in life and chose to pursue an entrepreneurial path to feed my creative side. After a few small business ventures (and a few gray hairs) my husband has encouraged me to launch a platform for Jenerosity that is purely about giving back. He has the Money and Power category covered. It is my responsibility to generate the most Happiness. With his limited time and hectic travel schedule, he jokes that he will provide for us here on earth, but it is my job to get us into heaven. No pressure!
I am proud to announce the creation of Just Jenerous. We have applied for our 501(c)3 status and will keep you posted on its progress. We will blog about new ideas for giving, inspirational stories and content generated by our readers. Please join us in the Jenerosity Movement and I guarantee that your contribution will make your own life a little brighter!