The Gift of Hope

Ahhh…the spirit is in the air.  People are abuzz.  Lines at the registers are long.  If you think I am referring to the normal holiday happenings, you are mistaken.  Tonight is the Powerball drawing, delivering $550 million dollars worth of dreams.  Are we only 6 numbers away from happiness?  YES!  Here’s how…

One of my friends brilliantly suggested that I buy a couple of tickets and give them to strangers.  Upon entering Publix to purchase these tickets, my son (Brooks) asked if I would match his 50 cents to donate a full dollar to the Salvation Army.  Of course!  He knows I can’t resist supporting his Jenerous efforts.  The bellringer was very grateful to see a child digging into his own pockets.  On the way out, we gave her one of our tickets.  She was overjoyed and literally began jumping up and down, saying “This is going to be the winner!”  That $2 investment is already a winner in my book.

Then, we went across the street to another Publix (yes, they are actually that close). The bellringer there was wrapped in her thickest winter wear, shivering in the arctic 63-degree Florida cold.  Brrrrr!  When my son approached her and gave her the ticket, she stood right up and you could see her transform from cold to warm in an instant.  She was so overjoyed…at the cost of $2.

As I watch the Saturday Night Live Christmas Special tonight,  I was reminded by John Malkovich that “Hope is what we cling to when reality has left us nothing else.”  Since we are 50 times more likely to get struck by lightning than win this lottery, hope may be all we have.  Tonight I was reminded that Hope can bring Joy.  There is something exhilarating about believing in possibilities. You can give the gift of Hope, even when reality may not be in your favor.  And hope just feels GOOD!

I discussed this Jenerous act with my son as we drove away.  Here’s how the conversation went:

ME: So, how cool was that?; BROOKS: Good; ME: Good?  Is that all?; BROOKS: Well, what if they win?; ME: Wouldn’t that be cool?!?!; BROOKS: I guess, but no one at school will believe me.

I guess at age 10, peer relations trump all other life lessons.

Ahhh…the spirit is in the air.  People are abuzz.  Lines at the registers are long.  If you think I am referring to the normal holiday happenings, you are mistaken.  Tonight is the Powerball drawing, delivering $550 million dollars worth of dreams.  Are we only 6 numbers away from happiness?  YES!  Here’s how…

One of my friends brilliantly suggested that I buy a couple of tickets and give them to strangers.  Upon entering Publix to purchase these tickets, my son (Brooks) asked if I would match his 50 cents to donate a full dollar to the Salvation Army.  Of course!  He knows I can’t resist supporting his Jenerous efforts.  The bellringer was very grateful to see a child digging into his own pockets.  On the way out, we gave her one of our tickets.  She was overjoyed and literally began jumping up and down, saying “This is going to be the winner!”  That $2 investment is already a winner in my book.

Then, we went across the street to another Publix (yes, they are actually that close). The bellringer there was wrapped in her thickest winter wear, shivering in the arctic 63-degree Florida cold.  Brrrrr!  When my son approached her and gave her the ticket, she stood right up and you could see her transform from cold to warm in an instant.  She was so overjoyed…at the cost of $2.

As I watch the Saturday Night Live Christmas Special tonight,  I was reminded by John Malkovich that “Hope is what we cling to when reality has left us nothing else.”  Since we are 50 times more likely to get struck by lightning than win this lottery, hope may be all we have.  Tonight I was reminded that Hope can bring Joy.  There is something exhilarating about believing in possibilities. You can give the gift of Hope, even when reality may not be in your favor.  And hope just feels GOOD!

I discussed this Jenerous act with my son as we drove away.  Here’s how the conversation went:

ME: So, how cool was that?; BROOKS: Good; ME: Good?  Is that all?; BROOKS: Well, what if they win?; ME: Wouldn’t that be cool?!?!; BROOKS: I guess, but no one at school will believe me.

I guess at age 10, peer relations trump all other life lessons.

About the author


I am a JENerosity seeker who believes that life is better when we choose to take advantage of opportuntities to give. The universe provides these blessings in forms that are both great and small. My desire is to capture these moments, share them in an authentic and creative way and inspire others to spread JENerosity one moment at a time. With Jenerosity comes Joy!