Buying Time


They are a necessary evil…the hated meter-reader. Downtown St. Petersburg is one of the easiest places in the world (no exaggeration) to get a ticket. It is as if the meter maids magically appear the SECOND a meter expires in true Star Trek fashion…beamed right to the vehicle. Today, as I walked to my acupuncture appointment, I noticed a car parked in a handicap spot that had an expired meter. Clearly it did not belong to a Millennial as it was the size of the Starship Enterprise and the front seat was full of reading glasses, Kleenex and Tums. I pictured a gentleman in his 70′s coming out of the ice cream shop (paid for by his Social Security) to find a ticket loving placed on his windshield by Meter Reader Kirk. As the meter flashed 0:00, it struck me that there are opportunities to show small gestures of Jenerosity everywhere. Brooks and I filled the meter and left a note wishing him a great day. Maybe we should have told him to ‘Live Long and Prosper.’



They are a necessary evil…the hated meter-reader. Downtown St. Petersburg is one of the easiest places in the world (no exaggeration) to get a ticket. It is as if the meter maids magically appear the SECOND a meter expires in true Star Trek fashion…beamed right to the vehicle. Today, as I walked to my acupuncture appointment, I noticed a car parked in a handicap spot that had an expired meter. Clearly it did not belong to a Millennial as it was the size of the Starship Enterprise and the front seat was full of reading glasses, Kleenex and Tums. I pictured a gentleman in his 70′s coming out of the ice cream shop (paid for by his Social Security) to find a ticket loving placed on his windshield by Meter Reader Kirk. As the meter flashed 0:00, it struck me that there are opportunities to show small gestures of Jenerosity everywhere. Brooks and I filled the meter and left a note wishing him a great day. Maybe we should have told him to ‘Live Long and Prosper.’


About the author


I am a JENerosity seeker who believes that life is better when we choose to take advantage of opportuntities to give. The universe provides these blessings in forms that are both great and small. My desire is to capture these moments, share them in an authentic and creative way and inspire others to spread JENerosity one moment at a time. With Jenerosity comes Joy!